Author Archives: Tina Martel

New book review Linda Thompson The Author’s Show

Not in the Pink is a book everyone should read, but hopefully never have to experience what author Tina Martel went through to write it. I laughed, I cried, I was in constant awe of how she could retain her sense of self during all the procedures that she went through. Tina has chosen to not sugar coat or gloss over the horror of cancer treatments. She faces it head on, tells it like it is – ugly truth and all – and absolutely refuses to be beaten by any of it. I commend her ability to go head to head with the medical profession and make her own decisions; I only wish there were more like her. Those medical practitioners need to realize they are working with human beings, not lab rats, and that each human being must be treated with respect. Tina has given us a lesson in life I will never forget and that is that I’m one of the lucky ones (so far). I will now join with all the others in praying to whatever deity I can drum up that she never has to go through this again. Tina, you’ve done us all a big favor by telling us the hard realities and letting us know that no one on the planet has the right to say “I know how you feel,” unless that someone has experienced the same thing. Tina’s artistry comes out on every page; as emotionally stirring as her writing. This is one very special book indeed.

~ Linda Thompson, Host of

Book launch McNallyRobinson

Martel AP 23 2015 MRB Saskatoon

The book launch of Not in the Pink is at McNallyRobinson booksellers in Saskatoon on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 7:00p.m. I will be both reading and signing that evening. If you live in Saskatoon, know someone in Saskatoon or have even heard of Saskatoon please spread the word!—-Book-Launch#.VTPErFbbluY

New Review Not in the Pink

New review from! Just scroll down and there I am! Or you can read it right here

Not in the Pink (Reviewed by Dianne Woodman)

Imagine being diagnosed with the frightening and life-threatening disease of breast cancer. Your entire world is turned upside down, and you are supposed to “patiently” wait until you meet with an oncologist to get information about your prognosis. This is exactly what happens to visual artist Tina Martel. She loses patience with the medical system and uses the Internet to read everything she can find about breast cancer.

Not in the Pink is a candid, heart-wrenching, and humor-laced account of Tina Martel’s personal ordeal with breast cancer. The memoir offers unique insight into a disease that strikes women without any prejudice or warning. Tina provides readers with a bird’s eye view of how a breast cancer journey is a roller-coaster ride with patients vacillating between periods of feeling upbeat about winning the battle and periods of feeling disbelief, panic, anger, anxiety, guilt, denial, frustration, and depression.

Tina Martel shares her long and difficult battle with breast cancer in a heartfelt and forthright manner. She does not shy away from sharing intimate details about her scary diagnosis and its emotional impact, the horrific side effects of the cancer treatments, her frustrations with both the idiosyncrasies of the medical community and the inconsiderate comments made by people around her. Key elements behind her surviving the nightmare of breast cancer is the unfailing support of family and friends, her practice of wearing temporary tattoos of a Chinese symbol for courage, her inner strength, her ability to maintain a sense of humor, and her documenting each grueling step in the journey.

The background images behind each page of text are comprised of paintings and photographs. This combination of artistic images and written thoughts is a powerful way to portray the realism of breast cancer. Tina Martel is a beacon of light and hope and an immeasurable comfort to not only women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer but also to the family and friends of loved ones who are battling this disease. No woman wants to receive a possible death sentence, and Tina’s breast cancer journey from diagnosis to survival is a beautiful story of courage and inspiration for breast cancer patients.



exhibition and launch

Not in the Pink Exhibition and Book Launch

Not in the Pink opened to an enthusiastic crowd of approximately 300 people on Wednesday, November 26th. I was thrilled and excited to see the support from friends, colleagues and perfect strangers. The exhibition runs at the Art Gallery of Grande Prairie until mid January. Please stop by if you haven’t seen it. The book is currently available at the AGGP or from me through the website.

I would be grateful for any feedback that I could post on the website. Please feel free to contact me or reply to this blog.

Thank you one and all for your faith in me.
